Find IP Location

Find IP address information such as country and detailed location.

IP Address:
United States (US)

What is IP Address?

IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a numerical way of identifying your computer on Internet. Website can find much information by IP address. For example, we've found your location on this page.

Find IP Address Country

Why can we find the IP address' country and location? It's because the owner of the IP address (ex. ISP and website) needs to submit relevant information when applying for the allocation of IP address.

Find IP Location

IP address doesn't contain the location information by itself. However our database stores the corresponding relationship between the IP address and its location. Thus we can find the detailed location of any IP address.

Find IP Location of Web Proxy

Web proxy usually disables javascript so most site can't find its IP location on map. However our site is improved for javascript disabled client so it supports web proxy. It can find the IP location of web proxy.